Monday, 16 March 2015


My skin is extremely problematic, especially lately. I have an electronic face brush that seems to just make my skin worse so I wanted something that could provide me with a little coverage yet still help my skin. I've been relying heavily on witch hazel and I wanted something else. Mum threw me the Avon book as she usually does, and I found the Avon Clearskin collection, and they offered a Blemish Clearing Tinted Moisturiser. It's oil free, and contains 1.5% Salicylic acid, which helps reduce spots and clear your skin. I had to try it, and at around £3/4 it was a bargain!

I chose the shade fair as there were only two shades and the fairer seemed closer to my skin tone. It's a relatively small bottle but a little really goes a long way, and it smells so good! It does have good coverage, but it began to cake around the dry (eww) patches around spots by the end of the day, making my skin actually look worse than it was.

Admittedly, I probably haven't given it a fair enough go to test whether the salicylic acid in it actually works - although it didn't make my skin worse - which I guess is better than nothing. Now that my skins clearing up (thanks to Biore - probably be seeing a blog post on them soon) I'll more than likely give this another go soon!

Do you have any skin clearing tips?


  1. This is really informative! I love how you tell the complete truth when you're reviewing a product. I find that Avon products are never really as good as they say they are, but are perfect if you're on a really tight budget x

    1. Aww thank you :) I imagine it would be better if you don't have quite a few blemishes for it to stick to like I did :)

  2. I was thinking of bying this product but after reading your review i think i wont buy it coz i have the same problem that you have with your skin. Anyway really good review and really helpful thank you so much Sophie <3
