Thursday, 12 November 2015


The Benefit Air Patrol eye primer is something I've had my eye on since the spectacular press event in which many of the YouTubers/bloggers I follow were invited to. Lunch, 100ft in the air - probably the best promotional launch I've ever heard of. I thought it was so original and it automatically made me so intrigued by the product itself.

Air Patrol is a multi purpose product. It's a BB Cream Eyelid Primer with SPF 20, and contains EnviroDefend Complex which is known to protect your eyelids from sun, smoke and pollutants. Eyelids are one of the most delicate parts of your body - a thin piece of skin that acts to protect your eye, so it really is a part of the body we should start to pay more attention to, and look after! Alongside this, Air Patrol acts acts as an eyelid primer, preventing eyeshadow from creasing, fading or smearing. According to Benefit statistics, 91% of women said that Air Patrol helped to extend the longevity of their eyeshadow - how can they be wrong!?

One of my favourite things about Benefit as a brand is their packaging, and Air Patrol is by far my favourite. I love the simplicity of the packaging, but the fact that the lid of the product looks almost like a wing. The product also features a CushionCalm tip which is a super soft rubbery applicator meaning that the direct application won't put any added pressure on the delicate parts of the eyelid. No harm done.

I've used this a few of times, once or twice with eyeshadow and the other times on it's own and I must say, compared to the primer I usually use on my eyelids, it's a winner! My eyeshadow lasted all day/all night and through lots of tears (one one occasion, but I swear they were happy tears!) It also works as a brilliant cover for any dark or veiny eyelids - something I'm not particularly prone to but it did create a nice smooth texture on my eyelids.

Overall - this product is a big winner for me! Packaging ticks all of the boxes and so does the way the product works. Well done Benefit! Super impressed!